Python is one of the programming languages for the computer. In Multimedia/Technology we have learned a lot of Python language and practicing coding as our assignment. I never learned Python or even any of the programming language yet, but after this learning round, I was so interested in computer science including Python. There are a lot of things that we learned from Cindy(Multimedia/Technology facilitator) such as Booleans, Comparisons, Indentation, If statement, Eif statement, Ese statement, And, Or, Not, etc. Every week we always have the assignment as we have learned a lesson. I was having a lot of struggles during many assignments. One of the hardest assignment that I get so stressed about it is finding the prime number. On the day that Cindy teaching us about the lesson that related about finding the prime number, I was on a trip for my exploration and it was so hard for me as my brain thinking too much solution to find the prime number. I was asking my friends and asking them to help me and explain to me include giving me some clue on the assignment. Badly I wasn’t understand anything that my friends told me. I go on the internet and search for the prime number. There is a website load on the top and give me the definition of prime number. I read the definition and I understood how to find the prime number and luckily I can solve the assignment. I was so happy and excited about solving this really hard coding assignment. Here is my code to find the prime number.