Programming must be the process of talking the algorithm and also encoding it into the notation. Programming have many different types of computers exist, but it must be have the solution. Computer science is not the study of programming, however it related to computer scientist does.
Programming is also include math. Algorithm is the strategy or rule of solving problem that mostly for computer. Algorithms can perform calculation, data processing and automated reasoning tasks. The concept of algorithm has existed for centuries and the use of the concept can be ascribed to Greek mathematicians (the sieve of Eratosthenes and Euclid algorithm). This is my challenge for you as the reader in my portfolio. Please find the sun from 1 to 2000 and the this is the clue “DO IT RIGHT!”.
Divide and Conquer
There are 1 million box with the same side and weight and all of them looking the same, there is a frog that died in one of the box and those box is a really important box for your family. How can you find the frog and knowing which box does the frog is? This is easy if you know the answer. Divide and Conquer is finding the answer by asking smaller questions from the big question and find the answer to smaller questions and end with the answer to big question. This is an example for Divide and Conquer: It was 10 minutes to midnight on December 24th, and all was not well at the North Pole. Some little elves were wrapping 1024 toys for 1024 good girls and boys. At 5 minutes to midnight, the elves called Santa Claus to tell him the boxes had been filled extra quickly, and Santa Claus was getting ready to leave. And this is the answer:
- First I’m going to weight each boxes and for the example: if one boxes is 1 kg and 1024 box it equal to 1024 kg.
- Second I’ll take 512 boxes and weight it and if that 512 boxes equal of 512 kg which mean that the other 512 boxes is containing the dirty sock
- Repeat the second step again and again then you will get the answer.
Your challenge is to solve the problem above that I said at first!